Vermonters for People-Oriented Places

About the VPOP Discord

Our Discord server is a highly active chat space where we do most of our communication and discussion. To join our Discord, please read through the overview, rules, and community values statement to receive an invite to the server.

Using Discord

If you're new to Discord it can be a bit overwhelming, so here's a quick primer:

  • Along the left sidebar is a list of channels that organize the discussion on different topics.
  • Those channels are organized into groups like "Announcements", "Working Groups", "Places", "Discussion", and "Social".
  • Announcements channels should mostly be self explanatory. The #not-vpop channel is a place for folks to make announcements about events that are unrelated to VPOP, but that you think the community might be interested in.
  • Working Groups are chat spaces for the different work areas within VPOP. Some of these are more general (i.e. #wg-communication), and some are specific (i.e. #wg-winooski-bridge).
  • Places channels provide a space for people in different cities, towns, or regions of Vermont to talk about things that are relevant only to that place. Discussion of local politics, meetings, or issues tend to happen here.
  • Discussion channels are for more casual conversation about topics we care about (i.e. #housing or #rail).
  • Social channels are for things that are generally still VPOP-related, but not necessarily about anything in particular. The #gratitude channel is nice channel that should also be self explanatory.

Discord Rules

  1. Please use a server display name that reflects the name you use in real life, and the town you reside in. We are all real people who live in Vermont and advocate in our communities; this is not an anonymous online chat room. An example of a proper server name: Jane Doe | Winooski
  2. Harassment of other members on the Discord server will not be tolerated.
  3. You must agree to the VPOP Community Values Statement to participate in the Discord.

VPOP Community Values Statement

Vermonters for People-Oriented Places (VPOP) is a big tent, grassroots organization that envisions a future of more livable and affordable cities and towns in Vermont. We acknowledge that fighting for a better future will require input and experience from people with many different political views and lived experiences, and believe that a diversity of voices makes us better advocates.

However, a group without boundaries quickly falls apart. In order to maintain a welcoming and safe environment for all who want to join us, there are a set of hard boundaries that we will strive to maintain. We reject language or expressed beliefs that discriminate against or dehumanize other people based on a protected status. We believe that these are not differences of opinion, but fundamentally incompatible with the collaborative future building project that VPOP is working on. Specifically, in our communities right now we are dealing with chronic racism, systematic ableism, and outbursts of anti-trans rhetoric, anti-arab, anti-muslim, and anti-semitic sentiment, all of which we soundly reject.

While there will clearly be zero tolerance for expressing these beliefs within our in-person and online communities, we also acknowledge that actions outside of our spaces can make others feel unwelcome within. Folks with a public history of discriminatory or dehumanizing language outlined above–or public association with groups that do so–are not welcome in our spaces or to associate themselves with VPOP.

Discord Rules and Values Agreement

To maintain a safe and enjoyable online environment, we ask that everyone who joins our Discord server read through and agree to the Discord Rules and VPOP Community Values Statement posted above.

Click the checkbox below to agree, and receive an invite to the server.

I have read and agree to the Rules and Community Values